Environmental Earth Sciences International was engaged by One Steel Recycling to carry out an Industrial Make Good for a Property Disposal. The location was 0.5 hectares within an industrial site that had been leased by ...
As the lease was drawing to its end, the client was informed by the landlord that all Make Good obligations were required to be met prior to site vacation.
Environmental Earth Sciences was instructed to represent the client in all dealings with the Landlord, and to facilitate all requirements necessary to Make Good works based on the lease obligations.
Due to the nature of the activities undertaken on the site for the previous 5 years, the client was also obliged to meet environmental benchmarks as part of the Make Good. All environmental requirements were able to be met through a timely and comprehensive site assessment by Environmental Earth Sciences.
Environmental Earth Sciences delivered all works on time and on budget, allowing for an amicable handover to the landlord. As a result of this successful outcome, the Client’s bank guarantee was returned in full.
The comprehensive service offered by Environmental Earth Sciences was unrivalled as all obligations of the make good were able to be satisfied within one consultancy, resulting in a successful property disposal with both time and cost savings for the client.