EESI was engaged to conduct an environmental investigation and provide expert advice on the audit and approval process for the development plans at a public school. The project presented a potential risk for the presence ...
The EESI team’s approach involved an initial site investigation to identify potential sources of contamination. The investigation revealed the presence of asbestos and other contaminants in fill material. Following a detailed investigation, the team developed a remedial action plan (RAP) and remedial works specification (RWS).
The RWS included detailed instructions on how to execute the remediation, including site preparation, controlled excavation and handling of asbestos impacted materials. It outlined the specific techniques, equipment, and materials to be used during the remediation, as well as the quality control measures to be taken during the process. The team also conducted air monitoring during the remediation phase to determine if any asbestos exposure may have occurred
For the site’s redevelopment, the EPA required the client to obtain a site audit statement and a development application, for which the EESI team provided advice and prepared reports. A plan for environmental management was also developed for further site improvements.
During the initial site investigation, RAP, RWS, and final validation, EESI successfully managed asbestos impacted material. The techniques employed in the RAP resulted in major cost savings for the client as the need for removal of contaminated material offsite was reduced.
The EESI team’s effective communication with the client, the EPA, and the auditor resulted in the project being successfully completed on time and in accordance with the site redevelopment requirements, allowing the client to pursue all redevelopment plans.
EESI’s comprehensive approach to asbestos assessment and remediation ensured a safe and effective management of potential asbestos exposure risks. EESI’s expertise in environmental engineering and asbestos removal provided the client with confidence that the project was being handled by a team of experts who could deliver successful outcomes while adhering to regulatory requirements.