Facing environmental and financial hurdles, the former gasworks site in Northeast England grappled with tarry material contamination, necessitating a sustainable and cost-effective remediation approach amid regulatory shifts and escalating disposal expenses.
EESI introduced a cutting-edge approach: EESI’s own Dynamic Biopiles® enhanced bioremediation method. This scientifically grounded method aims to break down various contaminants, including total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), BTEX compounds, and phenols. Unlike traditional bioremediation techniques, Dynamic Biopiles® offers a scalable solution capable of handling large volumes of tarry waste.
All tarry waste, including sludges from tank bottoms and the tar distillery, underwent treatment using Dynamic Biopiles®. The only exception was material containing cyanide, designated as hazardous waste and disposed of off-site. After treatment, a third-party validation confirmed that 50,000m³ of treated material met site criteria, making it suitable for on-site reuse.
EESI's Dynamic Biopile® technology delivered exceptional results for remediating tarry material at the former gasworks site. This approach not only considered site-specific constraints but also met cost and timeline requirements. Compared to alternatives like traditional "Dig and Dump" methods, Dynamic Biopiles® demonstrated clear advantages: reduced carbon emissions, minimal intergenerational transfer, low remaining liability, and minimal infrastructural impact (Cartwright et al. 2008).
Despite facing challenges like a snowy winter and record spring/summer floods, the project adhered to its timeline and budget. This resilience to external factors highlights its effectiveness and durability.
The technology's versatility was evident, successfully operating in various climatic conditions. Even in cool winter months, it performed consistently. The success of the project can be attributed to the innovative MUST (Material Undergoing Substantial Treatment) approach, ensuring efficient and thorough treatment.
This case study showcases EESI's commitment to delivering sustainable, cost-effective, and environmentally responsible solutions for complex remediation projects.