Soil, compost and B grade quarry material sustainably produced by the Skipton Soil Recycling Facility will be used and blended to create a range of products such as engineered fill, sub base, sands, gravel, landscape ...
The requirement for soil and fill in these infrastructure projects is on the rise. Historically, satisfying this need has been met through the mining of good agricultural soil and river loam from the adjoining green belt and agricultural land; this virgin soil is too valuable for use as fill.
Similarly, virgin quarry rock and clean soil are being mined and crushed to meet the need for fill and engineered sub-base. By substituting recycled material for these valuable resources, we are preserving them for a purpose more suited to their quality or safeguard sites of origin by leaving them untouched – as in the case of good agricultural loam.
New Soil’s sustainable treatment method using tried and tested technology allows soil that would otherwise be destined for landfill, to be beneficially reused in the community. We use a variety of solid and organic liquid waste (food waste) to make soil, growing medium, sub base and gravel for reuse.
As we are not a licensed landfill or dump, but a recycling facility, the soil is mostly sent offsite to be used as an environmentally preferable alternative.
A number of destinations have been identified for the reuse of recycled material treated at the Waste Science Soil Recycling Facility, these include: